Nihl B. Bulkley III
I was born October 15, 1978, in Hammond, Indiana, while my father, Nihl Bulkley II, attended Hyles-Anderson College. At the age of 4 my father moved our family to Waco, Texas, where he worked as an assistant pastor to my grandfather, Nihl Bulkley Sr. for 2 1/2 years. I was saved in December of 1983 at the age of 5 under the preaching of my grandfather. Grandpa preached a sermon on hell that scared me to death and brought me to the realization that I needed the Saviour.
In June of 1985 my father moved our family to Dallas, Texas, under the ministry of Dr. Larry M. May, where my father worked as his assistant for the next 24 years. Besides my father, no man has had a greater influence upon my life than Dr. Larry M. May. Anything I am or have accomplished for my Lord is because of the hours and years of training invested in me by these two men.
After graduating high school in 1997, I went off to Hyles-Anderson college, where I met my beautiful wife, Monica, that I had grown up with in my home church. We had grown up in the same church for many years but the Lord opened my eyes to my God given helpmeet while off in college. In January of 2000, I returned home to Texas to my home church, where my pastor, Dr. May, was starting Lone Star Baptist College. Here I finished my Bible college training and continued to work in my home church until God called me to be an assistant to Dr. R.A. Smith of Fort Worth Baptist Temple in 2013.
In the spring of 2015 God started working on my heart to pastor. It took me 9 months to come to the grips with this fact. It wasn’t that I was fighting the Lord, I had just always thought I would follow in my father’s footsteps and be an Aaron or Hur and hold up the man of God’s hands. Oh, how we need men of God like my father who are willing to spend a life in the background assisting the Lord by assisting His man. I struggled for 9 months because I just could not see why God would want me, but in the end you will never be right with God if you don’t do what He calls you too. Thankfully when God calls you too His work He wants you to rely upon His strength – Phil. 4:13. We need be nothing but a conduit for the glory of our Lord.
Through the working and guidance of the Lord, I was called to the pastorate of the great Beulah Land Baptist Church in April of 2016. There is no greater people, God honoring, Christ serving than the people God has allowed me to be a pastor too. Oh, how I am humbled that the Lord would allow me to be His under shepherd to such a flock.
I can take no credit for the greatness of Beulah Land Baptist Church. Dr. Leroy Howell started the church in 1989 and pastored until his death in 2009, at which time Dr. Ream became the pastor until 2016 when the Lord had him step out of the pastorate because of his health. Both of these great men of God although not known all around this nation stayed true to the Book, never wavering in this changing world. God blessed me when He allowed me to pastor here. I only had to pickup the mantle of Elijah (Dr. Ream) and continue on in the work of the Lord.
Paul told Timothy in 2 Tim. 3:14-15 “But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. I have been blessed with such a great heritage, from my grandfather, Nihl Bulkley Sr., from my dad, Nihl Bulkley II, from my pastor, Dr. Larry M. May, from Dr. Howell and Dr. Ream my predecessors, and many others who have invested into my life. All we are trying to do here at Beulah Land Baptist Church is to continue in what we have been given and to teach this next generation what Paul gave Timothy and Timothy gave his church down to us.
Time will not allow me to tell of all the blessings God has bestowed upon our church. All I can say, is like Philip in scripture to Nathanael, “Come and see”. I believe you will find a people with a mind to work and a work with the hand of God upon it, because of those people.